Friday, August 17, 2012

One Year Down

I have survived my 1st year as a 4-H Educator! Time flies when you are having fun or constantly on the run. In this instance, I am thinking the second option is more likely the case.

However, I feel more mature than I did last year at this point and about 10X more confident in my abilities/skill set. Working with people is difficult especially when there is a competitive nature to it all.


Yesterday I relieved a wonderful handwritten note along with my favorite Starbucks drink from a 4-H'er. Also, Jered sent me a beautiful bunch of flowers accompanied with a sweet note. Lastly, two coworkers purchased two wonderful cupcake accessories for my desk!


I am so thankful for all of the encouragement and support everyone has given me over the past year.


  1. Congrats on one year! I didn't get anything awesome, but I know I sure am blessed to have been at my job for a year, too! :)

  2. Thank you Stephanie! We are such grown ups! Hard to believe we are old enough to have a big kid job!
